TechCoronavirus Tech: Researchers Developed A Ring That Could Predict COVID-19 Symptoms 3 Days In Advance Using Biometrics Researchers developed a ring that could predict COVID-19 symptoms in advance. Using biometrics and data from Oura ring, people can now know if they are infected by Giuliano J. de Leon
TechFormer CEO of HTC Plans to Launch a New Virtual Reality Headset 'Mova' This Yearby Christine Roger
TechCOVID-19: Researchers Think Putting Electric Field in Face Masks Can Kill Coronavirus and Avoid Infectionby Nhx Tingson
TechLasers Able to Twist While Using Metamaterials; Robot Dogs Herding Sheep; And Brand New Bionic Eye That Can Make The Blind 'See'by Alec G.
TechExperts Developed Electronic Skin Sensor That Can Capture Complex Human Motionsby Giuliano J. de Leon
TechCOVID-19 Contract Tracing in Elderly Homes Made More Effective with Wearable Technologyby Nhx Tingson
TechChina's Amazfit Developed a New Self-Disinfecting Transparent Facemask to Rival Fitbitby Giuliano J.
Tech[VIDEO] COVID-19 Update: New Facemask Can Kill the Coronavirus; Proteolytic Enzymes Can Destroy its Protein Spikesby Giuliano J. de Leon
TechNHS to Conduct a Virtual Reality Trial with Hi-Tech Headset to Tackle Patients' Worst Phobiasby Giuliano J.
TechApple Will Now Automatically Send Vital Medical ID Info to First Responders During Emergencyby Tiziana Celine
Donald Trump Kisses Elon Musk's Feet in Viral AI-Generated Video Blasted on Government TV Screens Following Hack