Healthy Living/WellnessFirst Case Of Zika Virus In Iowa Linked To Travel History To Central America Iowa confirmed its first case of Zika virus following the infection of a woman who travelled to Central America. The Iowa Department of Public Health, however, assured there is no risk for the general public to contract the mosquito-borne Rhodi Lee
Healthy Living/WellnessScientists To Test If Native Mosquitoes Can Be Infected With Zika Virusby Alyssa Navarro
Healthy Living/WellnessBrazil, US Probe Potential Link Between Zika Virus And Microcephalyby James Maynard
Healthy Living/WellnessWHO Seeks $56 Million To Fight Zika As Mosquito-Borne Virus Spreads To 39 Countriesby Angela Laguipo
Healthy Living/WellnessJamaica Uses Song And Dance To Spread Awareness About Zika Virusby Katherine Derla
Healthy Living/WellnessFDA Issues Blood Donation Guidelines Amid Zika Virus Outbreakby Rina Marie Doctor
Healthy Living/WellnessLatin America Sees Increase In Paralysis Syndrome Along With Rising Zika Virus Casesby Angela Laguipo
HealthClearing The Air: Monsanto Breaks Silence On Zika Virus, Microcephaly And Sumitomo Larvicideby Alyssa Navarro
HealthLarvicide Manufactured By Sumitomo, Not Zika Virus, True Cause Of Brazil's Microcephaly Outbreak: Doctorsby Alyssa Navarro
Healthy Living/WellnessZika Link To Birth Defects Microcephaly, Guillain-Barre Syndrome Could Be Confirmed Within Weeks: WHOby Angela Laguipo
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'