HealthCoronavirus Update: US Bioengineers Created a COVID-19 Detector Device That Works Like a Pregnancy Test Researchers from one university in Indiana created a device that can detect Coronavirus COVID-19 for only 40 minutes! Compared to other devices, this detector device works like a pregnancy test with two lines showing positive!by Jamie P.
TechThis A.I. System Can Detect Possible Coronavirus Infection in Less Than A Blink of An Eye!by Tiziana Celine
Tech[Photos] Short of Mask? Chinese Architect Designs A Batman-Like Coronavirus Body Shield That Uses UV Lightby Peter G.
HealthCoronavirus Scare Caused SK Hynix to Order 800 Staff to Self-Quarantine: Is Apple in Peril?by Urian B.
HealthShould We Trust A China Research Showing the Number of Coronavirus Covid-19 Cases is Declining?by Urian B.
Health14 Test Positive Among US Plane Evacuees From Coronavirus Quarantined Japan Ship: Is U.S. Prepared For an Outbreak?by Christine Roger
Health'Contagion' Becomes One of The Most Downloaded Movies in iTunes in Wake of Coronavirus COVID-19 Outbreakby Tiziana Celine
TechChinese Citizens Seek Comfort in Mobile Games While They Stay At Home To Avoid Coronavirusby Christine Roger
Tech[WARNING] Buying Items Online May Transfer Coronavirus From China? Amazon Takes Immediate Actionby Jamie P.
HealthIs Coronavirus Man-Made? Baseless Conspiracy Theories about Its Origin Including China Bioengineering Debunkedby Urian B.
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'