CultureUS Navy Says USS Kidd's Facebook Was Hacked, Then Takes It Back After 'Age of Empires' Stream The US Navy initially claimed that the Facebook page of the USS Kidd was hacked, but it was eventually revealed that it was not the Isabella James
CultureRockstar Games Finally Abandons 'Agent'--Where Does It Rank Among The BIGGEST Canceled Games?by RJ Pierce
Culture'Kingdom Hearts'' Sora is the Last 'Super Smash Bros. Ultimate’ DLC Characterby Isabella James
Culture'Avatar: The Last Airbender's' Toph Announced for 'Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl' Ahead of Oct. 5 Releaseby Isabella James
Culture'Silent Hill,' 'Metal Gear,' and 'Castlevania' Games Might be in the Works: Reportsby Isabella James
Culture'Halo Infinite' New Features Offer Gamers More Accessibility Ahead of its Dec. 8 Launchby Sophie Webster