Healthy Living/WellnessU.S., Liberia Start Clinical Trial of Expiermental Drug ZMapp For Ebola A NIAID-led clinical trial is set to start to test the safety and efficacy of ZMapp as treatment for Ebola, involving participants from the United States and Dianne Depra
Science8 Million Tons Of Plastic Trash Pollute Oceans Every Year: The Worst Polluter Rhodi Lee
ScienceWinter's a Bit Too Early This Year: Yesterday was Coldest November Morning in Almost 40 Yearsby Rebecca Kaplan
ScienceUS and China shake hands over climate goals: IPCC says it's a start, but not enoughby James Maynard
ScienceGreat balls of fire seen in US and Japan. Superman? Aliens? Or just meteors? [Videos]by Sumit Passary