TechTelegram Now Lets You Edit Sent Messages: Your Move, WhatsApp The messaging app Telegram has received an update that brings several new features. The killer feature, which will potentially give rival WhatsApp nightmares, is the ability to edit a message after it has been Anu Passary
TechTelegram Mobile Messaging App Tops 100 Million Monthly Active Users: 60 Percent Growth In 9 Monthsby Horia Ungureanu
TechTelegram Update Adds Cool New Features For Secure Voice Messages, Secret Chats And Moreby Kyle Nofuente
TechWhatsApp Blocks Links To Competitor Messaging Service Telegram: Intentional Or Just A Bug?by Vincent Lanaria
Rogue Hacking Group Has Taken Down Tens Of Thousands Of Twitter Accounts Supporting Islamic Stateby Vincent Lanaria
TechEncrypted Messaging Apps On Spotlight As Possible Tools Used By Terrorists In Paris Attacksby Aaron Mamiit
TechSecurity-Focused Telegram Now Delivers 12 Billion Messages Every Day, But WhatsApp Still Remains Kingby Romellaine Arsenio