TechApple Fixes iPhone Bug That Crashed Apps For Mentioning Taiwan Or Using Taiwan Flag Emoji A friend told security researcher Patrick Wardle in April that China was trying to hack her iPhone. It turned out to be a peculiar bug that caused apps to crash whenever the word 'Taiwan' or the Taiwan flag emoji Aaron Mamiit
ScienceMother Embracing Her Baby For 4,800 Years: Fossilized Remains Unearthed In Taiwanby Louise Chan
TechApple's iPhone 7 Could Face Delays As Sole Chip Supplier TSMC Suffers Earthquake Damageby Horia Ungureanu
ScienceGeologic Event Identified As Cause Of Strong Earthquakes: Diking Linked To Tremors With Magnitude Between 6 And 7by Katrina Pascual
ScienceMagnitude 6.4 Taiwan Earthquake Leaves At Least Seven Dead, Injures Hundreds Of Othersby Rhodi Lee
Business TechApple Secret Lab Developing New Display Technologies For iPhone And iPad In Taiwanby Aaron Mamiit
ScienceLong, Green Worm With Pink Tongue Causes Panic In Taiwan: Alien Life, Sea Creature, Or Slimer In Disguise?by Rina Marie Doctor