SciencePresumed Young Star Actually 10 Billion Years Older Than Previously Thought For decades, scientists estimated 49 Lib to be a 'teen' star. However, new research has shown that it is actually 10 billion years older than previously thought, making it more of a senior Dianne Depra
ScienceDead stars sometimes 're-ignite' to explode as supernovas: Type la supernovae explainedby James Maynard
ScienceSpace bling: White dwarf star may have crystallized into super-massive diamondby James Maynard
ScienceNASA supercomputer simulation shows 2 neutron stars collide and form a black hole, and it's AWESOME [Video]by James Maynard
ScienceDiscovery of hypervelocity star in solar system neighborhood may shed light on dark matterby James Maynard