TechXbox News: Series X Projected To Dominate the Holidays | Naming Your Child 'Game Pass' is a No-No In this Xbox news roundup, industry experts predict that Xbox will have a great holiday season, while Bethesda and Xbox devs beg people not to give their babies weird names just to get free RJ Pierce
CulturePS5 Restock: Major Retailers Amazon and PlayStation Direct to Drop Stocks on Aug. 24by Sophie Webster
TechXbox Series X is Testing Out a 4K Dashboard for its Home Screen, UI—PS5 to do the Same?by Isaiah Richard
CulturePlayStation Plus is Getting a Major Update, As Sony Completes Acquisition of Crunchyroll; Going Against Xboxby Isaiah Richard
CulturePlayStation Plus August 2021 Free Games; New PS Plus Collection Features Relive Best Games for PS5by Isaiah Richard
TechPlayStation 5 Soon to Have Stocks as Sony Secure Chips for Console—Are There PS5 Restocks Now?by Isaiah Richard
TechNew Sony Curved Camera Sensors Could Copy Human Eyes! DLSR Maker Says Smartphones Might Also Have Itby Griffin Davis