HealthFake Cigarettes Pose Health Risks, Undermine Efforts To Reduce Smoking Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health, but it can get worse. Fake cigarettes sold in the black market contain 500 percent higher levels of carcinogens such as nicotine, tar, arsenic and Katherine Derla
HealthFDA Launches $35.7 Million Campaign To Prevent Tobacco Use Among Young LGBT Peopleby Ted Ranosa
HealthCan Using E-Cigarettes Help You Quit Smoking? British Medical Group Thinks Soby Katrina Pascual
HealthMassachusetts Senate Approves To Raise Minimum Age For Buying Cigarettes, Other Tobacco Productsby Rina Marie Doctor
Healthy Living/WellnessUK Health Groups Recommend Use Of E-Cigarettes As Smoking Cessation Toolby Angela Laguipo