TechBluetooth 4.2 Promises Faster, Heftier Performance and Greater Security to Boot The latest version of the Bluetooth protocol makes smart things even more capable of executing intelligent tasks. Bluetooth version 4.2 is also faster and more secure than Quinten Plummer
TechApple Responds to Masque Attack Reports: OS X, iOS with Enough Safeguards to Protect Customersby Anu Passary
TechHomeland Security Warns iPod, iPhone Users To Watch Out For iOS 8 Masque Attackby Quinten Plummer
TechMicrosoft Patch Tuesday Fixes Many Vulnerabilities Including a Very Old Windows Bug: 19 Years Old to be Preciseby Aaron Mamiit
Business TechHome Depot hackers grab up 53M email addresses via third-party vendor accessby Quinten Plummer