ScienceRoad To Mauna Kea Construction Site Closed Until Further Notice Looks like construction for the Thirty Meter Telescope will have to wait as protesters block the way leading to the summit, getting the road closed until further Dianne Depra
ScienceUltrasonic Fingerprinting Technology Goes Beyond Skin-Deep To Improve Smartphone Securityby Andrea Alfano
ScienceTamper-Resistant Pill Dispenser Uses Fingerprinting To Prevent Prescription Drug Abuseby Andrea Alfano
RoboticsWatch Supersmall Self-Assembling Bloodstream Bots Deliver Drugs Directly Where Neededby Andrea Alfano
ScienceHoloLens Is Going To Space As Sidekick In A Joint Project By NASA And Microsoftby Andrea Alfano
Healthy Living/WellnessEvidence For Medical Marijuana Effectiveness Good For Some Diseases, Lacking For Othersby Andrea Alfano