Healthy Living/WellnessLife expectancy gap between races varies depending on geographic location While the life-expectancy gap between black and whites in the U.S. is getting smaller in some areas, there remains great variation. A new study reveals it may be tied to policy Judy Mottl
Healthy Living/WellnessDepression may illustrate potential risk of dementia late in lifeby Judy Mottl
Healthy Living/WellnessChili peppers can decrease colorectal cancer risk, claims new researchby Judy Mottl
Healthy Living/WellnessSlow walk, memory stumbles may reveal onset of dementia, reveals new studyby Judy Mottl
ScienceResearch shows that dogs get jealous too: Don't pet a stuffed animal in front of your dogby Vamien McKalin
ScienceDid you hear? Scientists designed hypersensitive hearing device inspired by parasitic flyby Rebecca Kaplan
Tech Founder Trapped In Self-Driving Taxi as It Repeatedly Circles Parking Lot Instead of Taking Him to Airport: 'Has This Been Hacked?'