HealthSuburban Mom Who Robbed 12 Homes Blames PTSD For Two-Day Crime Spree A stay-at-home mom from Ohio was found guilty of stealing packages from 12 different homes. The woman claimed to have been suffering PTSD and that stealing the packages brought excitement to her Elyse Johnson
HealthIntense Stress And Autoimmune Diseases: Trauma May Raise Risk Of Immune System Disordersby Allan Adamson
HealthPTSD Not Just A Mental Health Condition: Psychiatric Disorder May Also Have Physical Effects On The Brainby Allan Adamson
HealthTeens With PTSD, Conduct Disorder Can Misidentify Facial Expressions, New Study Revealsby Erin Schroeder
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'