HealthMore Than 90 Percent Of Bottled Water Are Contaminated With Microplastic Particles Analysis of more than 250 water bottles revealed that 93 percent of the samples are contaminated with tiny pieces of plastic particles. It is not yet clear how ingestion of microplastic can impact human Allan Adamson
SciencePlastic Pollution Reaches Remote Areas Of Arctic Ocean Because Of Melting Sea Iceby Allan Adamson
ScienceCaterpillar Bred For Fishing Bait Can Eat And Breakdown Plastic Bags: Here Are Other Organisms That Can Biodegrade Plasticby Allan Adamson
HealthHormone-Disrupting Chemicals In Plastic, Everyday Objects Make Americans Sick And Cost US $340 Billion Per Yearby Rhodi Lee
SciencePlastic Clothing Inspired By Kitchen Wrap Releases Body's Infrared Radiation To Cool The Skinby Rhodi Lee