HealthPfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Recommended by FDA Panel for Kids 5 to 11 Years Old The advisory panel of the FDA has recommended the use of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for children ages 5 to 11 years Isabella James
HealthEdible Vaccine? Researchers Aim to Put mRNA Components from Pfizer, Moderna in Plantsby Isaiah Richard
HealthPfizer COVID-19 Vaccine's Protection Weakens But Remains High After Six Months, Strengthens Call for Boostersby Isabella James
HealthCOVID-19 Vaccine for Children Ages 5 to 11 Years Old May Come Soon from Manufacturers, as Requested by the FDA—Is it Safe?by Isaiah Richard
HealthCOVID-19 Study Shows That Those Who Had Allergic Reactions to 1st Shot of mRNA Vaccines Can Get 2nd Doseby Isabella James
HealthJohnson & Johnson's COVID-19 Vaccine Protects Less Against the Delta Variant; Experts, CDC Claimby Isaiah Richard
HealthCOVID-19 Vaccine for Kids 12 and Below are Coming, But Is It Safe? Everything You Need to Knowby Isaiah Richard
HealthCOVID Boosters: WHO Slams Countries Ordering Boosters, More Serious Side Effects Warnedby Isabella James
HealthCDC, Fauci Thinks COVID-19 Boosters Are Not Essential As of The Moment, to Address its Need in Briefingby Isaiah Richard
HealthPfizer COVID-19 Booster to Get FDA Approval in August, Third Shot to Significantly Improve Immunityby Isaiah Richard