TechFitbit Withdraws Patent Complaint To Prevent Jawbone Products From Entering the US: A Christmas Gift Or Something Else? Fitbit has withdrawn its patent case that seeks to block the entry of rival fitness tracker maker Jawbone's products into the United States. The move is revealed just before Christmas, but it is nowhere near being a Aaron Mamiit
TechApple vs. Samsung: US Supreme Court Takes First Design Patent Case In More Than A Centuryby Alexandra Burlacu
TechSamsung vs Apple Patent Wars: Apple Wins $120 Million Slide-to-Unlock Patent Caseby Vamien McKalin
TechApple Owes VirnetX $302.4M After Losing FaceTime Patent Retrial: Is The 2010 Case Finally Over?by Aaron Mamiit
TechApple vs Samsung Wars: More Than 100 Leading Designers File Amicus Briefing Siding With Appleby Horia Ungureanu
TechCrazy Patent Claims: Man Sues Apple For Stealing 'iPhone' Sketches From 24 Years Agoby Horia Ungureanu
TechQualcomm Takes Legal Action Against Meizu Smartphone Maker Over Alleged Patent Infringementby Anu Passary
TechNintendo 3DS Patents Found Not Guilty Of Infringement: Higher Court Fully Reverses 2013 Verdictby Diya Sen
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'