HealthParasitic Worm Moves Around And Digs Holes In Boy's Eye For 3 Weeks A parasitic worm was found wriggling in the eyeball of a teenager in Mexico. The nematode was removed but it has already caused serious eye damage. How did it get into the boy's eye?by Allan Adamson
HealthBrain-Invading Parasite That Can Cause Meningitis Now In Florida, Thanks To Climate Changeby Allan Adamson
Health‘Kissing Bugs’ In Your Home: Chagas Disease May Be More Fatal That Previously Thoughtby Luan Chan
HealthBrain-Invading Parasite May Have Spread Due To Climate Change And Globalizationby Allan Adamson
ScienceMind Controlling Wasp Discovered: Meet The Euderus Set And Other Sinister Parasitesby Athena Chan
ScienceMontana Officials Set To Conduct More Tests On Yellowstone River After Massive Fish Killby Ted Ranosa
ScienceParasite Killing Thousands Of Fish Prompts Montana Wildlife Officials To Close Yellow Stone Riverby Rhodi Lee
HealthOhio Declares Crypto Outbreak: Swimming Pools Could Be Contaminated By Parasite That Causes Diarrheaby Rhodi Lee
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'
OpenAI's New ChatGPT Image Generator Can Pump Out Ghibli-Style Images, But Is It Breaking Copyright Rules?