HealthNerve Swap Surgery Restores Functions Of Paralyzed Arms A surgery, which saw the use of a nerve swapping technique, enabled Chinese surgeons to let their operated patients regain the use of their paralyzed hands. Know how the feat was Samriddhi Dastidar
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HealthAFM: Possible Causes And Symptoms Of Polio-Like Disease Causing Paralysis In US Childrenby Rhodi Lee
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Healthy Living/WellnessParalyzed Ohio Man Regains Right Hand Control Thanks To Brain Implantby Alyssa Navarro
Healthy Living/WellnessLatin America Sees Increase In Paralysis Syndrome Along With Rising Zika Virus Casesby Angela Laguipo
Healthy Living/WellnessBionic Spine May Allow Paralyzed Patients To Walk Again Using Power Of Thoughtsby Ted Ranosa
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'