TechNTSB Report Claims Autopilot is Not the Culprit in 2021 Tesla Crash Despite No People Found in Driver’s Seat A fatal crash in 2021 had no one in the driver's seat, and the NTSB found that it was not the Autopilot that caused Isaiah Richard
TechNTSB Invites Elon Musk to "Complete Action" on Safety Recommendations for Tesla's Autopilotby Isabella James
TechFacebook Aquila Internet Drone Crashed On Its First Test Flight: Investigation Reveals What Caused The Rough Landingby Aaron Mamiit
SpaceNTSB Finds Lack Of Protections For Human Error To Blame For Virgin Galactic Crashby Don Melanson
Car TechNTSB Calls On U.S. Car Manufacturers To Make Collision Avoidance Systems Standard For New Vehiclesby Aaron Mamiit
FAA Does Business With SpaceX, Starts Testing Starlink Terminal Testing Despite Existing Verizon Deal