TechGucci Buys a Plot of Virtual Land in The Sandbox to Officially Enter the Metaverse Gucci joins the metaverse bandwagon, and the first step is to purchase a plot of virtual land in The Thea Felicity
TechChainers: the Most Ambitious NFT Metaverse Project in 2022 Lets You Build Your NFT Empire Today!by Thea Felicity
CultureGameStop Plans to Get Into the NFT Gaming Marketplace Through Immutable X's Ethereum Scaling Solution: Can They Challenge Axie Infinity?by Urian B.
TechWebsite Lists Musicians' Songs Without Permission: BTS, Britney Spears, and Other Music Used without Authorizationby Urian B.
TechStudy Shows It Costs $20K to Store 500KB on the Ethereum Blockchain; Could NFTs Be at the Risk of Link Hijacking to Alter Ownershipby Urian B.
TechKanye West Expresses Skepticism Towards NFTs, Says His Focus is On Building 'Real' Productsby Joseph Henry