TechNetflix Backtracks, Now Back In The Fight To Save Net Neutrality Netflix was thought to have given up on the fight to save net neutrality, as CEO Reed Hastings said that winning the battle is impossible under a Trump presidency. The streaming service has now backtracked and returned to the Aaron Mamiit
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TechNetflix No Longer Available In Google Play Store For Unlocked And Rooted Android Smartphonesby Aaron Mamiit
CultureNetflix Renews Controversial '13 Reasons Why' For Second Season: What Will It Be About?by Aaron Mamiit
CultureGlorifying Teen Suicide? Experts, Schools Rail Against Netflix’s ’13 Reasons Why’by Arrianne Del Rosario
CultureHackers Upload Stolen 'Orange Is The New Black' Season 5: Other TV Shows And Movies Next?by Aaron Mamiit