TechMozilla Firefox Rebranding In The Works With Lots Of New Logos: Which Ones Do You Like? Mozilla Firefox is rebranding to include in its identity not just the web browser, but also the variety of internet products that it offers. Mozilla revealed two design systems of 12 icons each to show what it is talking Aaron Mamiit
TechThe Team Behind Firefox Is Developing A Web Browser You Can Control With Voice Commandsby Carl Velasco
TechMozilla Firefox Looking Glass Browser Extension Moved To Add-On Store After Backlashby Vincent Lanaria
TechMozilla Firefox Add-On To Promote 'Mr. Robot' Backfires: Users Think They Were Really Hackedby Aaron Mamiit
TechMozilla And Oath Headed To Court Over Firefox Default Search Engine Switch From Yahoo To Googleby Aaron Mamiit
TechMozilla Is Making A Comeback With Firefox Quantum, But Is It Any Better Than Chrome?by Carl Velasco
TechMozilla Acquires Bookmarking Tool Pocket After Starting Out As A Firefox Extension Years Agoby Carl Velasco
TechFirefox: Mozilla Shuts Down Its Connected Devices Division, Shatters Push To Evolve Beyond The Browserby Carl Velasco
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'