TechMIT Unveils DuoSkin: Temporary Tattoos That Function As On-Skin Interfaces To Interact With Computers, Mobile Devices MIT Media Lab's DuoSkin project is a fabrication process for customized temporary tattoos that can serve as connected interfaces. These tattoos can eventually serve as a great alternative to cumbersome wearable devices such as Aaron Mamiit
TechMIT Introduces Tech That Lets You 'Touch' Objects In Videos, Shows AR Possibilities With 'Pokémon GO'by Vincent Lanaria
Smart HomeForget Passwords: New MIT Wireless Technology Makes Password-Free Wi-Fi, Safer Drones, Smarter Homes Possibleby Diya Sen
Business TechPublic Private Consortium Pours $317 Million For Advanced Functional Fibers of America: What The Project Is Aboutby Milafel Dacanay
Healthy Living/WellnessIf Health Insurance Isn't Good Enough, Will 'Drug Loans' Help Cover For Expensive Cancer, Hepatitis C Drugs?by Catherine Cabral-Isabedra
Media Matters vs. Elon Musk: New Lawsuit Looks to Prevent X From 'Harassing,' Suing Them Outside the US