TechMicrosoft Skype App Gets Major Redesign, Looking More Like Snapchat: What's New? [Video] Microsoft has rebuilt Skype from the ground up and the new version now looks more like Snapchat, with a number of tricks up its sleeve. Here's what's Alexandra Burlacu
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TechAsus, Lenovo, And HP Join Qualcomm And Microsoft For ARM-Powered Windows 10 PCs With Snapdragon 835by Alexandra Burlacu
TechSurface Pro 4 Firmware Update Improves Battery Life, Optimizes Touch Functionality, And Moreby Andrew Norman
Tech4 Characters In A Website's Code Can Crash Windows 7 And Windows 8 Computers: Is There A Fix?by Aaron Mamiit
TechMicrosoft Unveils New Surface Pro With Major Improvements To Challenge Apple: Specs, Pricing And Availability [Video]by Alexandra Burlacu
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TechMicrosoft Surface Pro 4 Successor's Press Renders Leak, But It's Not Surface Pro 5by Steve Bowman