TechMeta Exec Claims Metaverse Can Lead To More Business Revenues—Suggesting AR Advertisement Creations A Meta executive claims metaverse can provide more earnings to businesses. He shared the details during IAB Griffin Davis
TechMeta to Roll Out Feature That Allows Avatars in VR to Have Their Personal Space as Harassment Cases Continueby Sophie Webster
TechChainers: the Most Ambitious NFT Metaverse Project in 2022 Lets You Build Your NFT Empire Today!by Thea Felicity
TechMeta's $10 Billion Loss in 2021 Shows Facebook Spending Massive Amounts to Look for Next Stage of Growthby Urian B.
TechTim Cook Acknowledges 'Potential' in the Metaverse with Apple Planning to 'Invest Accordingly' | 14,000 Apps Using ARKit Frameworkby Urian B.
TechPlayStation’s Ken Kuratagi Disapproves of Metaverse; Still Choose Real Life Over Avatar; No PS Meta?by Isaiah Richard
TechBig Rock Creative Presents BRCvr Film Festival 2022 - A Free, Fully Immersive Global Film Festival in the Metaverseby Jessel Thomas
TechMeta Plans to Make Robotic Eyeball That Can Track Human Eye Movements for the Metaverseby Thea Felicity