HealthHow Has Teen Perception, Use Of Marijuana Changed After Cannabis Was Legalized For Recreational Use? Latest study indicates that there is a change in perceived harmfulness and usage of marijuana among the teen population in Washington after the drug’s legalization in Saranya Palanisamy
HealthMysterious Marijuana-Related Illness Often Misdiagnosed: What Are Its Symptoms?by Allan Adamson
HealthMysterious Illness Linked To Marijuana Use Spikes In States That Legalized Weedby Allan Adamson
HealthPeople At Higher Risk Of Schizophrenia Are Likelier To Try Marijuana, Says New Studyby Saranya Palanisamy
HealthGummy Bears Send High School Students To Hospital: How To Tell If Candies Are Laced With Drugsby Allan Adamson
HealthDemocratic, Republican Doctors Offer Treatments Differently, Says Yale Studyby Saranya Palanisamy
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'