CultureAvatar: The Way of Water Crashes Screening Equipment in Japanese Movie Theaters During the Opening Weekend The movie's high frame-rate 3D format that requires a fast processor may have caused the crash of screening equipment in movie theaters in Inno Flores
ScienceSpaceX Launches Hakuto-R in a Bid to Become the First Commercial Spacecraft to Land on the Moonby Inno Flores
TechThese 3D-printed, Hyper-realistic Masks Are So Convincing They May Freak You Out!by Trisha Kae Andrada
TechJapan Partners With Italy, and Britain to Develop a Next-Generation Fighter Planeby Jace Dela Cruz
TechBASF's AI Farming Tool is Helping Japanese Growers Struggling With Labor Shortageby Jace Dela Cruz
TechUK Joins Japan and Italy in Tempest Alliance to Build Fighter Jet With Hypersonic Weaponryby Trisha Kae Andrada
TechRoyal Navy Participates in the Largest Military Drills in the Pacific Led by US-Japanby Jace Dela Cruz
ScienceJapanese Government Explores Remotely Controlling Privately-Owned ACs & Water Heaters as They Switch to Renewablesby April Fowell
TechJapan’s Military of Defense Considers New US-Style Research Body to Support Civilian Technology with Military Applicationsby April Fowell