TechWhat It Takes To Change Batteries: Customers Report Terrible Experiences With Apple’s Battery Replacement Program Apple launched its iPhone battery replacement program after the company admitted that it was deliberately throttling older models to avoid too much battery strain. However, users are reporting that it’s not an easy Carl Velasco
TechApple Reportedly Seeking To Buy Cobalt Directly From Miners To Use In Li-Ion Batteriesby Alexandra Burlacu
TechNew iOS Bug Crashes iPhones And Blocks Access To iMessages, WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, And Moreby Alexandra Burlacu
TechGoogle Pixel Sales Grew To 3.9 Million Units In 2017, But That's Less Than iPhones Sold Per Weekby Aaron Mamiit
Tech'Biggest iPhone Code Leak' On GitHub: Here's Why iBoot Leak Worries Security Expertsby Carl Velasco
TechChinese Man Made $1.1M Selling Fake Apple Products In US Through Dream Digitalsby Alexandra Burlacu