TechFrench Prosecutor Starts Investigating Apple Over iPhone Slowdown Practices Apple's iPhone slowdown woes continue, as a French prosecutor just launched an investigation into the matter. Under French law, Apple could face hefty fines if found to have intentionally reduced the life of its Alexandra Burlacu
HealthDoes Pope’s Hospital Prioritize Profits Over Patients? AP Reveals Findings From Probeby Katrina Pascual
TechSex Scandals In The Privacy World: Tor Project Confirms Developer Jacob Appelbaum's Sexual Misconduct Following Investigationby Horia Ungureanu
TechThe IRS Wants Facebook To Hand Over Ireland Asset Records: Here’s The Reason Why It’s Under Investigationby Lauren Keating
Business TechEU Files Antitrust Charge Against Qualcomm, Accuses Company Of Unfairly Forcing Out Competitionby Lauren Keating
TechNew York Attorney General Investigates If Broadband Providers Mislead Customers With False Internet Speed Adsby Dave Calpito
Business TechFTC Regrets Leaked Google Antitrust Probe: White House Ties Suggest Investigation May Be Whitewashby Judy Mottl
Business TechNothing Sweet About Verizon Supercookies: Lawmakers Want Feds To Investigateby Anu Passary
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'