Business TechGoogle Bolsters Street View With Purchase Of 360-Degree Photography Startup Digisfera Google acquired 360-degree photography startup Digisfera, with the company's engineers to work on Street View. Digisfera created two tools, one of which will be discontinued and the other to be Aaron Mamiit
Tech'OK Google' Voice Command Exits Desktop Version Of Chrome Browser: Here's Whyby Christian de Looper
TechPreorders For Google's Nexus 5X Now Being Charged: Shipments Finally Being Prepared?by Sumit Passary
TechNexus 6P Launch: Supply Constraints Delay Canadian Shipping And Release Date, Will U.S. And Other Markets Follow?by James Geddes
TechDropbox Announces Paper In A (Late) Attempt To Take On Google For Work And Evernoteby Fritz Gleyo
Business TechNintendo And Google Among Companies To Invest Up To $30 Million For Development Of 'Pokémon Go'by Lauren Keating