TechNexus Smartwatches On The Way? Google Said To Be Working On Its Own Android Wear Devices Google is said to be working on two Android Wear smartwatches. Codenamed Angelfish and Swordfish, the devices could possibly carry the company's Nexus Aaron Mamiit
TechGoogle Asks Court To Sanction Oracle Lawyer For Disclosing Its Secret $1B Deal With Appleby Alexandra Burlacu
TechHTC Nexus M1 'Marlin' Makes Appearance On Geekbench Revealing Specs And Hardware Detailsby James Geddes
TechGoogle Keep Note-Taking App Now Organizes Your Notes Automatically: Less Clutter, No Hassleby Sumit Passary
TechThe Next Project Of Alphabet's Nest Is Apparently A Smart Crib: How Would It Function?by Sumit Passary