TechGoogle Reportedly Developing Assistive Features For Android O, With Smart Autocomplete, Finger Gestures In Tow Google’s Android O will reportedly be equipped with smart assistive features, with an advanced autocomplete schtick and possible finger gestures. Android O’s is expected this May at Google’s I/O developer Carl Velasco
TechGoogle Play Turns Five: The Most Popular Downloads Include 'Candy Crush,' Facebook And Adele’s '25'by Lauren Keating
TechGoogle Play Store March 2017: The New Apps, Music, Movies And TV Shows Available To Downloadby Lauren Keating
TechGoogle Chromebooks Beating Apple iPads, Macs In US Classrooms: New HP Chromebook For Education Unveiledby Aaron Mamiit
TechAndroid Pay: Google's Mobile Payment Service Now Supports More Than 600 Banks In USby Erin Schroeder