TechGoogle Cloud Outage: Spotify, Discord, Snapchat, and MORE Are Coming Back Online Google Cloud outage has affected popular websites like Spotify, Discord, Snapchat, and more, but they are back online Isaiah Richard
CultureEpic Games: Google Forms ‘Fortnite Task Force’ to Spot Potential Security Flaws in 2018by Teejay Boris
TechTech CEO: Demis Hassabis Brings DeepMind Artificial Intelligence: How the Company Started and Its Riseby Isaiah Richard
TechGoogle Messages is Testing a Feature That Will Let You Check the Content of an Unread Messageby Sophie Webster
TechGoogle ClusterFuzzlite to Help Experts Find Vulnerabilities Earlier | Features, Supported Services, and Moreby Joseph Henry
TechGoogle's Project Relate App Aims to Make it Easier for People With Speech Impairment to Communicateby Sophie Webster