TechSecurity Company Now Offers ‘Unbreakable Encryption’ As Ransomware Attacks Continue to Rise A security company is now offering "unbreakable encryption" to counter ransomware attacks. According to reports, it will be available on clouds and Fran Sanders
TechAustralia's Police Chief Blasts Facebook for Aiding Rape by Letting Paedophiles Hide Behind Its End-to-End Encryptionby CJ Robles
TechRepublicans are Pushing Tech Giants Like Facebook to Allow Access to Encrypted Data With New Billby Nhx T.
TechMillions of Private Text Messages Have Been Exposed: Here's How to Encrypt Messages on iPhone and Androidby Airen Petalbert
TechSerious PGP Security Flaw Makes Email Encryption Unsafe: What To Do Until It's Fixedby Vincent Lanaria
TechWhatsApp Co-Founder Pours $50M Into Signal Messenger To Make Encrypted Messaging More Accessible And Ubiquitousby Alexandra Burlacu