TechCIA Helped Justice Department Develop Technology To Secretly Slurp Thousands Of Cellphone Data At Once Federal law enforcement agencies are under scrutiny for tapping unique surveillance technology to find and collect citizen cellphone data. The program has reportedly collected information on tens of thousands of citizens, claim Judy Mottl
NSA Chief: Edward Snowden Leaks Hurt US Counterterroism Efforts And Surveillance Capabilitiesby Judy Mottl
TechSnowden Claims US And British Spies Secretly Hacked Mobile SIM Cards Worldwideby Fergal Gallagher
TechEdward Snowden: NSA, GCHQ Stole Phone SIM Card Encryption Keys And Snooped On Youby Quinten Plummer
TechApple Earnings, Outlook Apps For iOS, Android Among Tech Headlines Of The Weekby Christian de Looper
Tech Founder Trapped In Self-Driving Taxi as It Repeatedly Circles Parking Lot Instead of Taking Him to Airport: 'Has This Been Hacked?'