ScienceAsteroid That Killed The Dinosaurs Caused Global Warming For The Next 100,000 Years The asteroid that led to a mass extinction event that killed the dinosaurs also had consequences on Earth's climate. For 100,000 years following the impact, temperatures rose Jean-Pierre Chigne
ScienceApril 2018 Was The 400th Consecutive Warmer-Than-Average Month Due To Global Warmingby Jean-Pierre Chigne
ScienceGiant Swirls Found On The Sun Similar To Planetary Waves That Control Earth’s Weatherby Athena Yenko
Science700 Million Years Ago, The Earth Turned Into A Giant Snowball: Scientist Might Finally Know Whyby Carl Velasco
ScienceFlat Earthers Say You Can’t Fall Off The Edge Of The Earth Because Of ‘Pac-Man’by Carl Velasco
ScienceAsteroid Impact Experiment Shows That Asteroids Could Have Brought Water To Earthby Carl Velasco