CultureValve Overhauls Steam Chat, And Now It's Just Like Discord Valve released a new chat system for Steam with a host of new Discord-inspired features. These features include customizable friends lists, group chat, voice chat, an invisible mode, and Manthan Chheda
TechDiscord Expunges Alt-Right, Nazi And White Nationalist Servers In Massive Cleanup Effortby Carl Velasco
CultureDestiny 2 PC Players Banned For Using Third-Party Programs? Bungie Says It's 'Internet BS'by Aaron Mamiit
TechDiscord Shuts Down Alt-Right Server, Accounts Amid Charlottesville White Supremacy Rally, Says Hate Groups Are ‘Not Welcome’by Carl Velasco
Chatbots Are Still 'Hallucinating' With Misinformation, And It Is Time to Rely on Real News Instead of AI