TechMicrosoft Partners With Google, Intel, And Others To Form Data Protection Consortium Several tech industry leaders have come together to form the Confidential Computing Consortium. The group aims to provide better private data protection, promote the use of confidential computing, and advance open source Ted Ranosa
TechJeff Bezos Reveals The National Enquirer Threatened To Publish His Nude Photos: Here’s What He Saidby Carl Velasco
TechApple Bans Controversial Facebook Research App, Says It's A 'Clear Breach Of Agreement'by Regina Balana
TechFacebook App That Pays Users Gift Cards In Exchange For Data To Be Removed From iOSby Carl Velasco
Business TechStudy Finds Many Employees Worldwide Would Gladly Sell Their Work Passwords For Moneyby Alexandra Burlacu
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'