TechCardano Founder Talks to US Congress, Proposes ‘Self-Regulating Organizations’ for Crypto According to Hoskinson in his pitch to the U.S. Congress, the ideal structure for regulations in the crypto space must be more focused on financial Errol Villorente
TechCrisis in the Cryptocurrency Sector has Affected the Electricity Consumed by Minersby Sophie Webster
TechSky Mavis to Reimburse 'Axie Infinity' Hack Victims; Repayment to Happen on June 28by Joseph Henry
TechHorizon Bridge Hack: Thieves Loot More than $100 Million Worth of Cryptocurrenciesby Joseph Henry
TechElon Musk Hints at Crypto Payment Integration Following a Successful Twitter Takeoverby April Fowell
TechCryptoWatch: El Salvador is Hopeful in Bitcoin, But Will Cryptocurrency Prevail?by Isaiah Richard