TechBill Gates Throws Shade at Crypto and NFT, Saying 'They're '100% Based on Greater Fool Theory' Bill Gates criticizes NFT and crypto again, saying "100 based on greater fool theory." Cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens do not appeal to Bill Joaquin Victor Tacla
TechCrypto Puts Global Payment Systems at Risk? Financial Firms Connection With Digital Coins Now Worries Regulatorsby Griffin Davis
TechTerra 2.0: Luna Cryptocurrency Is Back After $40 Billion Collapse - Is it Faring Better this Time?by Joaquin Victor Tacla
TechInfluencer Crypto Endorsement: Can Celebrities Hide Their Financial Ties? Legality and Other Detailsby Griffin Davis
TechEurope's Central Bank Wants To Regulate Crypto as Blockchain Market Shows ALL Signs of Financial Stability Riskby Griffin Davis
TechUS Treasury Wants Crypto Companies To Blacklist Blockchain Wallets Used for Illegal Transactionsby Griffin Davis
TechChina Sees Renewed Bitcoin Production as Miners Skirt Beijing Cryptocurrency Regulationsby Ryan Epps