TechDubai to Build an Online Shopping Center as Coronavirus Shifts the Market to E-commerce Many people are forced to shop online as stores are shut down due to the coronavirus pandemic. Now, Dubai is building an online shopping called "Dubai Commercity."by CJ Robles
HealthCOVID-19: Blood Test Could Tell Doctors If Coronavirus Patients Are Likely to Become Seriously Illby Tiziana Celine
TechCOVID-19 Update: 99.9% of Coronavirus Can Be Killed by Germ-Zapping Robot Used by Hollywood; Study Shows COVID-19 Can Block Human Genesby Giuliano J.
TechCOVID-19 Vaccine: AstraZeneca to Supply 400 Million Potential Vaccines by September After Partnering with Oxford Universityby Alec G.
TechSearch for COVID-19 Cure: NHS Frontliners to Receive Hydroxychloroquine While Women Taking the Drug for Nearly Two Decades Contracted Coronavirusby CJ Robles
HealthCOVID-19: Children Are at Low Risk of Catching Coronavirus? Here's the Explanation of Some Scientistsby Tiziana Celine
CultureNintendo Developers Facing Trouble Working From Home Due to 'Big Limitations' Caused by COVID-19 Pandemicby Alec G.
TechPeople are Using Red Dead Redemption 2 to Have Work Meetings For Those Who Work From Homeby Christine Roger
TechCOVID-19 Contract Tracing in Elderly Homes Made More Effective with Wearable Technologyby Nhx Tingson
TechCDC Confirms COVID-19 Does Not Spread Easily by Touching Objects or Surfaces; Blue Light Can Cause Premature Agingby Giuliano J.
TechHIV Scientist Doubts Coronavirus Vaccine; Claims Social Distancing is Better to Fight COVID-19by CJ Robles