HealthCoronavirus Mutations Posed Challenge to Vaccine Makers as Study Shows It Could Evade Antibodies In 2021, new mutations of the coronavirus has been detected in the UK and South Africa, since then these new variants have been detected in different countries. Scientists are now trying to find out if the newly created vaccine is Sieeka Khan
TechTruck Simulator Developer Caught in Anti-Vax Controversy After a Confusing Press Releaseby Sieeka Khan
TechOximeter Possibly Detects COVID-19's Troublesome Symptom: Here's Where to Buy It, Amazon and More!by Giuliano J. de Leon
HealthDiDi, China's Ride-Hailing Leader, to Distribute COVID-19 Vaccine to 13 Other Countries with $10M Global Fundby Sieeka Khan
HealthCOVID-19 Spreads More Than 2 Meters in Seconds! New Tool Calculates Virus' Transmission Risk in Poorly-Ventilated Placesby Giuliano J. de Leon
HealthIsrael Says Pfizer's Single Dose Is 'Less Effective Than We Hoped,' How Will This Warning Change US, UK Plans?by Nhx T.
HealthCOVID-19 Vaccine Trials: US Kids Reportedly Sign Up for Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca Testsby Nikki A.
Health80% of Americans Finally Wearing Masks as COVID-19 Cases in the US Reached an All-Time High, Study Showsby Sieeka Khan
HealthScientists Warn More 'Super-Covid' Variants are Coming Globally as US Reports Third Homegrown Variantby Nikki A.