Healthy Living/WellnessEye Tracking Technology Could Be Used to Diagnose Concussions Better A new eye tracking technology can effectively detect the severity of concussions. CT scan of the brain may or may not show the damage to the brain following a head Sumit Passary
TechConcussions and Brain Injuries on the Field: Better Communication is Deterrent to Sports Tragediesby Tina Shah
Healthy Living/WellnessLong Island football player dies from head injury: The dangers of collisionsby James Maynard
Healthy Living/WellnessConcussions are dangerous regardless where football players are hit: Studyby Anu Passary
Healthy Living/WellnessConcussions are cause for serious concern, no matter what part of the head is hitby Linda Nguyen
Healthy Living/WellnessBlood test can weigh risks of head injuries sustained on the sports fieldby Tabitha Laffernis
Healthy Living/WellnessFootball helmet not very effective in reducing brain injury riskby Alex Saltarin
Healthy Living/WellnessNon-concussion impacts may still cause memory problems, brain damage: Studyby Rhodilee Jean Dolor
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'
OpenAI's New ChatGPT Image Generator Can Pump Out Ghibli-Style Images, But Is It Breaking Copyright Rules?