ScienceUS Southwest May Be Drying Up As Wet Weather Systems Become More Rare What's considered a normal year of snow and rain in the Southwest is now drier than usual, a new study revealed. Droughts in the region could become more severe in the coming Alyssa Navarro
ScienceFighting Climate Change Is Not As Simple As Planting Trees: Some Trees Worsen Global Warmingby Alyssa Navarro
ScienceMan-Made Forests Do Not Help Cool Climate: Managed Forests Contribute To Global Warming Rather Than Mitigate Itby Katrina Pascual
ScienceHouse Science Committee Thinks Landmark Paris Climate Agreement A Bad Deal For Americaby Alyssa Navarro
ScienceChances Of Extreme Flooding Up By 43 Percent Because Of Global Warming, Warn Scientistsby Alyssa Navarro
ScienceRecord Breaking Heat In 2015 Likely Caused By Man-Made Climate Change: Meteorologistsby Katrina Pascual
ScienceMore Than 600 Plant Species Flowering At The Wrong Time Because Of Confusing Winter Conditionsby Alyssa Navarro