TechChatGPT-Like Features Might Come to iOS 18 Siri Version: What Is Apple Planning Here? As early as now, analysts believe Apple will launch a next-gen version of Siri for iOS 18. The digital assistant is expected to boast AI features like many anticipated Joseph Henry
TechOpenAI Bans Dean.Bot's Developer, a ChatGPT-Powered Presidential Candidate Impersonator Botby Aldohn Domingo
TechOpenAI Election Misinformation Policy Aims to Combats AI Deepfake, Impersonation, and MOREby Isaiah Richard
TechChatGPT for Android: Launch Custom GPTs from Shortcut Menu, Not Available on iOSby Isaiah Richard
TechHumanoid Robots Inches More Towards Reality as OpenAI-Backed 1X Raises Another $100Mby Aldohn Domingo
TechCan ChatGPT Memorize Entire Poems? Cornell Study Uncovers AI Chatbot 'Concerning' Abilityby Jace Dela Cruz
TechOpenAI Thrives Amid CEO Turmoil: Annual Revenue Skyrockets 20% to Surpass $1.6 Billionby Quincy Jon
TechDon't Tell ChatGPT Your Deepest Secrets: 'Having Heart-to-Hearts' With Chatbot Is 'Extremely Unwise,' Says AI Expertby Joseph Henry