TechMicrosoft Testers Notice Unusual Bing AI Chatbot Responses: What Was So Bizarre? Microsoft released the latest update on how Bing's AI answers some issues about various topics such as entertainment and Joseph Henry
TechReplika Barred by Italy Regulators From Collecting Data Following Complaints of Explicit Texts and Imagesby April Fowell
HealthKahun Integrates Its XAI Clinical Assessment Tool Into HELIXVM’s Virtual Solutionby Jessel Renolayan
ScienceArtificial Intelligence Chatbot Attempts to Mimic a Man’s Deceased Fiancee—But Creators Say it's Dangerousby Teejay Boris
ScienceReplika AI Creates Platform That Trains Chatbots, Similar to Black Mirror's 'Be Right Back' Episodeby Sophie Webster
TechTrevor Project Launches Riley, a Google-Partnered AI Tool Which Simulates Teen Undergoing Mental Health Strugglesby Joen Coronel
TechMicrosoft Chatbot Patent Aims to Bring the Dead Back to Life via Smartphone—Black Mirror?by Isaiah Alonzo