HealthDoctors Are Less Likely To Screen Cancer Patients Later In The Day: Study New research from the University of Pennsylvania explores the importance of time of day in medical screenings. Results show that doctors are more inclined to order cancer screenings in the morning than in the Ted Ranosa
HealthTask Force Says Prostate Screenings For Men Aged 55 To 69 Years Should Be A Choiceby Steven Lerner
HealthLet Patients Weigh Harms And Benefits Of Prostate Cancer Screening: Federal Task Forceby Alexandra Lozovschi
HealthMore Than Colonoscopy: Experts Emphasize How Colon Cancer Is Better Screened And Preventedby Katrina Pascual
HealthSome Women Diagnosed With Breast Cancer Via Mammogram Are Treated Unnecessarily, Study Warnsby Katrina Pascual
HealthFewer Americans Dying Of Cancer Since 1991, With Obamacare Seen Helpful In Driving Mortalities Downby Katrina Pascual
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'