ScienceBuilding 428 New Hydroelectric Dams May Cause Major Damage In Brazilian Amazon An extensive dam construction project in the Amazon river basin may threaten to damage the river’s biodiversity and disrupt regional climate, a team of scientists warned. The dam project includes building 428 new hydroelectric dams in the Alyssa Navarro
HealthZika-Like Yellow Fever Raises Concern Despite Availability Of Vaccine: Here's Whyby Antonio Manaytay
ScienceAncient Human Skulls Found In Brazil Gives New Insights On Migration Patterns In Americasby Anne Baker
CultureSega Genesis Back In Production In Brazil: Revived Console Supports Original Games And Controllers, Comes With 22 Games In SD Cardby Aaron Mamiit
CultureWhat's Really Going On Between Olympic Swimmer Ryan Lochte And The Brazilian Government?by Rachel Ranosa