Healthy Living/WellnessHydrogel Keeps Stem Cells Alive To Help Restore Eyesight And Speed Up Stroke Recovery A hydrogel that holds stem cells together while they are being transplanted helps promote their healing ability. By using the gel-like biomaterial, researchers were able to partially restore vision and help heal stroke Rhodi Lee
Healthy Living/WellnessAn App That Teaches Echolocation And Furthers Research To Help Visually Impaired Peopleby Andrea Alfano
Healthy Living/WellnessBlind Woman In Hawaii May Regain Sight After Receiving New Bionic Eyeby Dianne Depra
Healthy Living/WellnessCouple in Arizona Gives Birth to Baby With No Eyeballs: What is Anophthalmia and Can It Be Fixed?by James Maynard
Healthy Living/WellnessTouching Video: eSight Glasses Help Legally Blind Mother See Her Newborn Baby For First Timeby James Maynard
Precious Moment: Legally Blind Mom Sees Her Son for the Very First Time Thanks to eSight Glasses [Video]by Sumit Passary
Healthy Living/WellnessNew Material Could Help Build Artificial Retinas for Victims of AMDby James Maynard
Healthy Living/Wellness1 Million: Number of Americans Suffering Eye Infections Yearly. Blame Dirty Contactsby Sumit Passary
Bill Gates Says AI Will Take Over Medicine, Education in 10 Years: 'It's Very Profound and a Bit Scary'